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VERTEX VTKTC24367D : VERTEX Complete Top End Kit - Replica Forged Piston
Tax included
Piston compression: Racing
Diameter Ø (mm): nan
nan: D
nan: Set
nan : 4T
Piston diameter: Ø 95.990 mm

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Piston compression: Racing
Diameter Ø (mm): nan
nan: D
nan: Set
nan : 4T
Piston diameter: Ø 95.990 mm
The Top end kits do not contain the ignition or clutch cover gasket - make sure to get it for the timing chain change
Easing the repair process by saving time and money Vertex Pistons Top-End Piston Kits come with everything needed
to replace your piston, top-end gaskets, and wrist pin bearing (for two-strokes) when the time comes.
- piston
- rings
- piston pin
- circlips
- top end gaskets
- and even needle roller cage (for two-stroke applications).
- Four-stroke kits include free timing chain
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